Weekly Manga Sales Charts for 2016

These are the weekly manga sales charts for the first four months in 2016, via myanimelist news, continued from the 2015 post. If you want more recent data, there’s plenty of places where charts are available (eg. ann, the mal news forum I get them from).


news post url
week of data
Place. [Weekly Sales] [Total Sales] [Series+volume #]

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Weekly Manga Sales Charts for 2015

These are the weekly manga sales charts for the first four months in 2015, via myanimelist news, continued from the 2014 post. I’ll be doing one of these updates every 4 months; if you want more recent data, there’s plenty of places where charts are available (eg. ann, the mal news forum I get them from).

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Weekly Manga Sales Charts for 2014

These are the weekly manga sales charts for the first four months in 2014, via myanimelist news, continued from the 2013 post. I’ll be doing one of these updates every 4 months; if you want more recent data, there’s plenty of places where charts are available (eg. ann, the mal news forum I get them from).

Edit: Added data through August 2014.

Edit 2: Added data through December 2014.

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Weekly Manga Sales Charts For 2008 (September-December)

Unlike Light Novels, where doing any kind of research pretty much required making an easy-access database, research on manga sales was doable with existing web databases. When looking into it 6 months ago, I used animenewsnetwork’s related news stories for various manga to access sales charts where given series appeared. Unfortunately, those link libraries were often incomplete, and I had to employ a ramshackle method where I used One Piece’s constant presence in the Oricon ranks to get to the release week for a given series and determine whether it charted or not and what the threshold was. It was boring, menial work, but it was never boring or menial enough that I got turned off of my end goal.

That said, I can see the effort involved in that method being prohibitive for a lot of future research. And, if possible, I want to be talking a bit more about manga (both as an industry and as a creative process) in the near future. So I collected the myanimelist weekly sales charts for manga in a similar fashion to how I did for Light Novels, deciding to post them here again to make it easier for other people who want to take a quick, easy lookback at how different manga evolved over time.

Once again, this is not my data. It was originally collected by Snowical, dtshyk, and symbv of the myanimelist news team, who have done excellent work.

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